About Apex Fit

We Are Apex

After healing himself from a once thought unrecoverable injury he endured in 1997 Apex founder Randall Hunt set out to help as many people as possible achieve results in their bodies that they never thought possible. He built a national big box health club chain that serviced tens of thousands on people daily in numerous states. Even though the people that partook directly in the Apex programming got remarkable results Randall noticed that the people that used the facility without a program got little to no results and often went through an on again off again cycle. Randall sold his big box gyms to focus on a business model 100% centered around clients results in a private luxurious studio environment where every client of the studio’s results were monitored closely. Apex Fit’s fitness studio has a group of result focused fitness professionals and provides our clients with the latest cutting-edge results focused technology to help our clients get the best result in the shortest amount of time.

Our Roots

Our Core Values

Our core values have led us to help change the lives of thousands of people of all ages and walks of life including members of some of the world’s most prestigious organizations.

Result Driven

We are obsessed with documenting, tracking and obtaining results with our clients.

Science Based

We only use proven science based proven methods, technology and systems with our clients.


Everything we do has a specific purpose, reason and is done to the Apex.

Servant Leadership

We exist to serve

The services of Apex Fit have been used by members of the world’s most elite organizations:


Weight Loss

- Tami Bates

I lost 20 pounds of fat, 3 inches off my waist and 2.5 inches off each thigh and gained 9 lbs of muscle in 77 Days with Apex! I can’t recommend them enough!!!

Pain Loss

- Becky Hughes

I struggled with lower back pain and severe sciatic nerve issues and took pain medication for over 20 years. I tried every modality possible for pain relief. Apex Fit corrective exercise 100% cured my lower back pain and sciatic issues in less than 90 days.


- Joseph Bramlett

Not only did Apex cure a career inhibiting debilitating back injury their Golfnetics program took my distance off the tee and shot dispersion to levels I didn’t know where possible. Golfnetics helped save and transform my golf career

Reverse Aging

- Marie Vincent

Apex 100% cured my osteopenia. I went from a -1.5 T score to a positive 2.5 T score in less than a year. In addition, I lost 70 lbs of fat, lost 10 inches off my waist and 8 inches off my hips at the age of 70! Apex has been beyond life changing for me.


World Series Champion

- Nathaniel Lowe

Being a professional athlete, I have worked with some of the top fitness professionals in the world. Nothing has changed my performance more than my work at Apex. My speed, power and flexibility have progressed on levels I never imagined. I can’t recommend Apex enough for increasing flexibility, power and speed.

Google Reviews

Client Testimonials

Read what Apex clients have to say about the experience, service and results they received at Apex!

Justin Tupper
Justin Tupper
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Apex fit is like having an entire team helping you hit your health and wellness goals. If results are important to you. Apex fitness is a must. One thing is for sure. It's NOT just another gym.
RJ Sharpe
RJ Sharpe
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My body fat dropped 4% in just over two months, and I gained 7 pounds of lean muscle.
JD Hughes
JD Hughes
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I cannot be more impressed with the thoroughness of how Apex runs their programs and the clarity they give me every day on how I’m going to get better. Nothing like I’ve ever experienced in the gym.
Lauren Kirk
Lauren Kirk
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The technology, cleanliness, staff, and methods of Apex are second to none. I can already feel a difference! This isn’t a gym, it’s a team of professionals dedicated to helping you reach your goals- fast.
Ron Smart
Ron Smart
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I have experienced a lot of correction after only 5 weeks as strength has increased and am anticipating much more. Totally recommend!!
Sana Matin
Sana Matin
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This is the best gym I’ve been to! I’ve been here for a month and already have seen results. All the staff is amazing and I highly recommend.






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