Osteoporosis, a condition where the bones begin to hollow making them weak and brittle. As we age our body’s growth production slows down effecting the structures of the body. We all age differently as we grow older and measurement of the density of our bones is as a good biomarker for not only bone health for growth and health throughout the body.
The DEXA scan machine is the most accurate machine in the world to measure bone mineral density and identity’s a T-Score that classifies the density of the bone. Negative T-scores indicate non dense bones with -2.5 or greater being osteoporosis. Bionetic Bone Growth programs use frequent DEXA scans to measure the bone growth progress from Bionetic workouts.
Bionetic Bone Growth workouts have shown measured bone density growth after 12 exercise bone growth exercise sessions measured on a DEXA Scan machine. Our strength loading methods can help the production of osteoblasts that grow bone from the inside out. Our bone growth methods are so effective they have brought clients over 80 years old out of osteoporosis.


Apex offers an extensive metabolic bloodwork panel that can identify metabolic imbalances that can hinder optimal bone growth so that the imbalances can be directly address to ensure your efforts with Bionetic Bone Growth workouts are maximized.

Osteoporosis Correction
Apex client Marie Vincent went from a -2.7 T – Score to a +1.6 T –Score in less than 1 year at the age of 70. Bionetics 100% cured her osteoporosis. She also lost 70 lbs of fat.

“The bone growth I have witness with my clients on the Bionetic Bone growth program is unprecedented. I recommend Bionetics to all of my patients. ”
Dr. Jim Bowen
Fountain Life

“I would have thought the level of bone growth from Bionetics was impossible if I had not experienced for myself”
Dr. Michael Z
Bionetic Client

“I have never seen bone growth results like Bionetics. What they are growing bone is remarkable”
Dr. Susan Drown
Author Better Bones, Better Body
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Frequently Asked Questions
The statement that osteoporosis can not be cured in 100% false. Over the last decade Apex has helped thousands grow bone (measurement validated by DEXA Scan) at unprecedented levels. Traditional medical methods of treating osteoporosis and osteopenia have used solely medicine to try and slow the deterioration of bone but have not been able to grow bone. Apex has cracked the code on bone growth by using proprietary strength training methods to create osteoblasts to grow bones from the inside out.
Results vary per person but usually bone growth can be detected in as little as 6 weeks. At your Apex Bone Growth consultation, a neuromuscular assessment is done along with a few small exercise movements to help determine the best exercise program to get your bones regrowing in the shortest time possible.
1000% yes. Ignoring a metabolic imbalance hindering growth in the body could drastically reduce the ability for your body to grow bone. We recommend that all of our clients on our bone growth program have our bone growth blood panel done to determine what if any metabolic imbalances exist. We draw bloodwork in house and get results usually in 24 hours. If there is a metabolic imbalance detected, we have a team of experienced medical specialists trained in our metabolic bone growth protocols to correct the metabolic dysfunction.
You are never to improve your body. We have grown the bones of clients at the age of 87 years old.
Yes, now is the time to begin the journey to regrowing the structure of your body.